Local contrast enhancement (LCE) gives a more lively look to an image or video. With a larger difference of a pixel's luma value from its local mean, ...
In this paper we present a local contrast enhancement method driven by a scalar objective function that estimates the local average contrast of an image.
The plugin Enhance Local Contrast (CLAHE) implements the method Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization for enhancing the local contrast of an image.
A global and lo- cal contrast enhancement method is proposed for adaptively enhancing the non-uniform illumination images. Firstly, a novel global contrast ...
The paper proposed an efficient local contrast enhancement algorithm by histogram equalization and histogram stretching method. The algorithm also combines the ...
Local contrast enhancement works similarly to sharpening with an unsharp mask, however the mask is instead created using an image with a greater blur distance . This creates a local contrast mask which maps larger-scale transitions than the small-sca
B = localcontrast(A, edgeThreshold, amount) enhances or flattens the local contrast of A by increasing or smoothing details while leaving strong edges ...
In addition, image contrast in local areas can be enhanced by modifying a local histogram, such as local histogram equalization/stretching and nonlinear ...